Michael Lasoff (EXCLUSIVE) Interview

2024 July 13

Michael Lasoff (EXCLUSIVE) Interview

-What has been the greatest difficulty you faced in producing your project?

My greatest difficulty was coming to terms about how to create a satirical film without hurting people’s feelings. The story of two poetic muses, one an intellectual prostitute and the other, a reluctant daughter of a senile God both vying for love, is a strange fantasy that appeared for some people too challenging and threatening to appreciate. Why? Perhaps the answer lies embedded in the next question.

-Do you think the film industry today has been damaged by political correctness?

Yes, I do. Political correctness ruins film’s creative freedom. This especially applies to new attitudes about humor. The misunderstanding of how irony, sarcasm and comic exaggeration create laughter is too often literally interpreted and silenced under the brandishing sword of moral correctness. If anyone deserves the questioning eye of a creative filmmaker it is this puritanical crowd of well-meaning yet boring simpletons proselytizing moral superiority.

-What was the greatest source of inspiration for creating your project?

“Salinger’s Two Dark Muses” was first of all inspired by my own experiences of being a young man aspiring to be a poet. Another great source of inspiration was the Faust legend. Faust craves the whole world and is willing to sell his soul to Mephistopheles to gain fame. The last great inspiration was the Ern Malley literary hoax. Two conservative Australian writers created a fictitious poet imitating modernist poetry which in the early 20th century tricked the whole world into thinking that Malley was a new great genius.

-If you could ask a question to a great director from the past, who would you like to talk to and what would you ask them?

Perhaps I would have liked to meet the greatest director of all time, Fellini. But what questions could I ask of a genius who himself so marvelously questioned reality? All I would say was, “Thank you Federico for opening the doors of cinema for me.”

-What do you think of the Wild Filmmaker platform?

The people working at the Wild Filmmaker Platform are informed, ambitious, friendly and very supportive. I’m not sure yet of what and how they exactly operate but hopefully with time that will become clearer to me.They seem to be reaching for the sky.