(EXCLUSIVE) Interview with Don Pasquale Ferone

2024 July 27

(EXCLUSIVE) Interview with Don Pasquale Ferone

– Who is Don Pasquale Ferone?

Don Pasquale is a priest from the province of Naples who loves music and composes Christian-inspired songs available on all digital platforms. From a young age, he began attending church with his family. At 15, he learned to play the guitar and led various charismatic prayer celebrations and meetings in his parish. After receiving the ‘Baptism in the Spirit’ at age 10 with a Catholic Charismatic Renewal group, he began to develop the decision to enter the seminary and became a priest in 1998. As a priest, he continued to nurture his passion for the guitar and, since 2017, has started composing Christian-inspired music. The singer-songwriter has since become a parish priest in the outskirts of Naples. His albums include: Certezza, Confidenza, Come roccia, Il dono della Vita, and Fedeltà. Don Pasquale has also released singles such as Fiducia, Guarda il Cielo, Gioia immensa sarà, among others (a total of 47 tracks to date); all are songs of evangelization and praise, and, along with the albums, are available on digital and streaming platforms. To stay updated on all the latest news about Don Pasquale’s music, it is recommended to periodically follow his YouTube channel, Facebook page, and other active social media channels.

– Can Art save the world?

I believe that art is a valuable tool for helping many people reflect on the need to work for the good of the planet and the salvation of all; each of us should understand that art, in all its forms, can certainly provide valuable assistance for the salvation of the world and the well-being of people.

– Wild Filmmaker is the largest global community of independent artists, also created with the dream of conveying a message of peace among people of different cultures. Do you believe that music and cinema can be an effective way to remind each of us that we are all children of the same God?

Music and cinema have a significant responsibility in the process of reconciliation between different peoples, as they are also means of communication and can easily convey messages of great values, such as peace and love among people; they can, indeed must, remind everyone that we are creatures of one God and therefore brothers and sisters who should respect and love each other. It is clear that even Wild filmmakers have a noble mission to advance, contributing to the human, cultural, spiritual, and moral growth of all.

– Every true artist is a revolutionary in their own way, while the Church, like any other religious institution, is archaic and hierarchical. How do you reconcile the dual role of priest and artist?

On this point, with due respect, I must dissent, as I believe that, especially today, Religion is more open to understanding and welcoming people. There will surely still be religious individuals who have difficulty adapting to modern times, but this is part of their personal journey and character. I also think that openness to the world should not mean compromising but, on the contrary, affirming with strength and perseverance the primacy of God in everyone’s life. One could say that everything is relative, but certainly not God and His love for humanity. My being a priest and artist perfectly aligns with my priestly mission as I always seek to place the Lord God first in everything; and my songs are born from the prayers I always direct to Him: they are Christian-inspired tracks that help me evangelize through music. In conclusion, I feel the duty to invite everyone to live their lives in serenity while continually cultivating the pursuit of Peace and brotherhood among all peoples. May the Lord keep you all in His love.