-What has been the greatest difficulty you faced in producing your project?
This film was made with unused footage from a previous project. In this particular case there were no particular difficulties. I was presented with this idea while reviewing all the footage in the archives.
-Do you think the film industry today has been damaged by political
Political correctness is a contrivance contrived with the specific intention of not telling things as they really are. I am not politically correct, I am politically correct ( in the etymological sense of the word ) and the film industry should return the art of film to the hands of artists.
-What was the greatest source of inspiration for creating your project?
The feminine universe and the depth that lies beneath it.
-If you could ask a question to a great director from the past, who
would you like to talk to and what would you ask them?
I think it would be interesting to reverse the parties. I am sure that a filmmaker from the past ( Tarkovsky for example ) addressing a contemporary mainstream filmmaker would give him a giant question mark.
-What do you think of the Wild Filmmaker platform?
Wild Filmmaker represents one of the few realities able to give voice to independent and extraordinary artists ( there are many ) who otherwise would have no way to express their creativity freely and without pressure. One of not many opportunities to reaffirm that filmmaking is not dead and that, indeed it still has a lot to give.