She is a an artist, leader , award winning actress, and storyteller. Michelle was born to work in the motion picture industry doing not just acting, but writing, producing and directing. She knew as early as 7 years old she was going to work in filmmaking and acting and credits god for giving her the gift to write, act and produce masterpieces on an award winning level. She has won over 101 awards in under 3 years spanning primarily her filmmaking, screenwriting, and acting with only 13 awards from her books.
-What inspired you to become a filmmaker?
I got inspired to be a filmmaker to showcase my talent for my acting, and storytelling. With the launch of The Silver Lights Books Series I felt my talent was not be recognized , and my skillset could really shine in filmmaking and acting.
-Do you think the cinema can bring a change in society?
Compelling Cinema and films told with an authentic voice and unique story cause change every day in society.
-What would you change in the world?
If I could change one thing in the world it would be the education programs in our schools. It would be making more of a core curriculum in public schools and lower income areas to have more classes accessible in filmmaking, digital marketing, screenwriting, photography, film editing , and high definition cinema in earlier youth . Also, having more classes like yoga as young as kindergarten teaching kids the importance the connection of the mind, body, and spirit and how to be aware of channeling emotions in a healthy way.
-Where do you see the film industry going in the next 100 years?
I see the industry taking on so many different faces from younger filmmakers that we see on youtube to more change with the documentary segment in soceity , and those like myself that have worked there way from the bottom to the top to showcase their extraordinary god given talent without necessarily having the formal training or hollywood connections.