– Do you remember the exact moment you fell in love with cinema?
I was about 11 years old. Cinema has always attracted me especially when I was able to see the first films on the big screen. I have always been intrigued by the work that could go into a film, the creativity of a mind for a fantastic story and the technic al genius of special effects. That world captivated me, thinking about how the filming could take place or how a director could feel directing the film and receiving awards for a good job done. In the 80s and 90s there were no great technologies yet and fo r this reason
I was intrigued by the ingenuity of creating special effects. I really liked seeing the extra content of a film. Then certainly films like “Bram Stocker’s Dracula” by Francis Ford Coppola, “Titanic” by James Cameron, “The Neverendig Story” by Wolfgang Petersen and many others were the exact moments in which cinema entered me and in which my gender was revealed.
– When did you realize that the story living in your heart had to be turned into a screenplay and then into a film project?
There are many stories in my heart. My mind is a well of ideas and stories. I have no difficulty inventing new stories and often the night brings me ideas. Obviously, like all writers, some stories remain closest to my heart. Everything I write contains a small part of me. There may be emotions experienced, hidden dreams, the desire to get to do something that not everyone believes in, sad or happy moments in life… so many things about me. For this reason, I feel some screenplay projects in a particular way. For example, my latest screenplay “WAVE MAN” despite being a science fiction and extremely futuristic writing with special effects, contains my dream of being able to change the world and the desire to see more values in people’s hearts, but also the desire to leave a mark on this world by doing something useful and great that, in writing, has become the figure of a New Hero and his actions. Then there is my first film project “CYBERNETI GENESIS – THE WAR BETWEEN TWO WORLDS” which became a feature film and was released in theaters in November 2022. A sold -out success that became reality. When I wrote it, my imagination navigated the most hidden places of my self, in intense dark or beautiful emotions, creating fantastic figures and engaging scenes. I wanted to reevaluate locations and areas of Tuscany and create an inclusive film for people and animals within a story that told of something bigger than us that goes beyond the earthly life we live and the ephemeral things that surround us. A large project that involved a cast of over 60 people and professionals. A difficult, tiring undertaking, hindered by COVID -19 and important family bereavements, but I understood that it had to be completed because I felt the support of actors, crews and sponsors who believed in me, I saw their enthusiasm in imagining this film, I saw entire organizations and associations eagerly joining this project and I saw the esteem of people even through the media. Thousands believed in me and I could only give them a beautiful film to watch. This gave me a huge push to continue this work.
– Is there a person you would like to thank for helping you bring your project to life?
There are many people who have supported my projects and to whom I owe thanks. First of all my family and my mother who passed away during the recording of my first film, to whom I dedicated it. Then my partner who has always supported my work. I also than k my faithful collaborators who have followed me for years. My heartfelt thanks go to all of them and many others but, sincerely and without self ishness, I especially thank Anna, my being so different, complex, tenacious, ambitious, dreamy … . Characteristics that make my life difficult but also extremely interesting and intense.
– Do you think the Wild Filmmaker Community is helping to turn your dream into a reality?
I think the Wild Filmmaker Community is helping me make my career known to the world. I think it is helping to make people talk about me, my scripts and films and I believe it can help to reach new horizons and producers. I am a dreamer and I have big ambitions that require a lot of work but for what I said above, I hope that this Community can help me reach my most ambitious goals: to have my scripts produced by the best international producers. The love I have for cinema knows no limits. The limits are only in our minds.