-Who is Florence CAZBON-TAVEAU ?
I am plural artist : historical writer , poetess , medium with several vibrations , scriptwriter and international painter. My abstraction art is as definite by James Guitet charged of many passions with rapidity of execution . A French painter who paints exclusively with my fingers . I like to be a medium gestural with much liberty . Not preparation ,only instantaneousness in the artistic gesture like the impressionists did, real rebels of pictorial rules and the contours, privileging the sensations . Also I am a woman writer with twenty books published (Edilivre Editions , ABCD’R Editions , ABM Editions ) on Van Gogh , Jean Cocteau, Paul Cézanne, Camille Claudel , Zulawski and on my medium aspect with my spirituality : “La Grâce de Dieu “ , “ Resurrection (Jésus –Christ ) , “Les trois petites lumières d’Orient ‘” (medium book ) with talent , inspiration , imagination , strong and determination under medium aspect . And I also I experienced the joy to playing the role of famous Camille Claudel in a sequence pilot in Marseille according to my published screenplay (Edilivre Editions) .
-What inspired you to become a scriptwriter?
This is open the horizons and go beyond limits with tremendous passion ,creativity and generosity. Over 15 years of historical research , I have published eight books about the treasure of Templars of Abbey Sauniere of Rennes the Castle in the South of France . This is with the historical awareness , the wonderful power of words when I discovered my automatic words by medium ship . When also I transcend myself beyond everything and when I touch the heavens by my femininity and my words . In transcend an emotion arises and with this an idea then a multiplication of ideas and a tangle of emotions who echo each other to finally achieve an ideal not consistent with this reality down here . I’ve combined the wonderful with the spiritual . A path that allows us to access the resurrection long before death through a transcendence linked to innate knowledge of unconscious which falls in the outpouring of human reflection by dismantling then symbiosis of divine ideas . But also that the story begins again in its events and adventures that we are only the repetition of those ancient and advanced times and which in the near or distant future always end up finding themselves beyond our lives . The most aspect is the revelation of building a screenplay with the mystery and spirituality then the action . The structure must be fluid . I manage to maintain the suspense until the end .I also increase tension.

-Do you think the cinema can bring change in the society ?
A screenplay compared to a book embraces action , it is as a living painting where the theatrical dimension is crucial . The mystery like the cross does not demean man but elevate him. Thus I find myself crossing the banks of eternity.
-What would you change in the world ?
That all men and women hold hands .This is also the holy grail .
-Where do you see the film industry going in the next 100 years ?
In ability to develop and to enrich Humanity of the new dawn in the mirror of creativity that vehicle the Film Industry .