-Who is Dennis Trombly?
I grew up an observant introvert with a love of art early in life. I wrote my first story, Lost Atlantis, at the age of 13. It was through stories that I would like to draw in attempt to tell a story in a single frame, awarded Best Artist at the age 14 in middle school.
I initially pursued a career in robotics engineering, but changed my path after a film studies professor recognized my talent and passion for filmmaking. I went on to study mass communications at the University of Michigan-Flint, where I had the opportunity to work at the University affiliated Public Broadcasting Service TV station. I then moved to Southern California to attend Chapman University, where I earned my MFA in film production with an emphasis in all areas of filmmaking. I hope to have the opportunity to work on larger budget films to make timeless and memorable movies.
-What inspired you to become a filmmaker?
I was initially inspired by the psychology of film rather than the process of filmmaking. Learning how the parts were assembled was the first step in my desire to tell a story in my own way as a filmmaker. Though, it’s only fair to say I was most influenced by Steven Spielberg. I continue to study the influences of modern-day directors, like studying Ford, Kubrick, DeMille, and Kurosawa.

-Do you think the cinema can bring a change in the society?
I believe stories can change individuals that might have an impact on society. It will be a collective of these individuals that might have a greater impact on society. Having the opportunity to influence a person’s thinking and perception is an opportunity to change society. These might be future politicians or decision makers of a global economy. Helping shape one’s thoughts through cinema is the art I hope to achieve.
-What would you change in the world?
Educate the underprivileged, defend the weak, uplift hope with proven results.

-Where do you see the film industry going in the next 100 years?
Even if the big 10 studios in the United States decides to limit Artificial Intelligence (AI) in film, I believe the film industry will be nearly dominated by AI. The resources will be readily available by other countries and profits will most likely take precedence, meaning a reduction in the workforce. Filmmaking may be guided by one or two individuals but will become automated and, most likely, done successfully. It is the short term, success of individuals creating the AI will eventually overcome the number of individuals manually creating films. With every new generation that arises, art will be redefined through their eyes regardless of whether it was created by human hands or AI because it will be generally accepted.