From Metropolis to Dubai – “Discovering the most anticipated International Event of the Year dedicated to free and independent Cinema” – by Michele Diomà

2023 January 13

From Metropolis to Dubai – “Discovering the most anticipated International Event of the Year dedicated to free and independent Cinema” – by Michele Diomà

Wild Filmmaker will be the media partner of the Special Event in Dubai organized by the 8& Halfilm Awards. A festival that in 2022 had a high record of submissions with more than 2200 projects from moviemakers and screenwriters from all over the world. Choosing Dubai for the venue is not a random choice. We can summarize Dubai in three words: “Future. Dream. Metropolis“.

If the first two are easy for everyone to understand, the third word needs an in-depth analysis because it is the title of a masterpiece movie directed by Fritz Lang in 1926. Working as a producer, I have wondered many times if cinema has the ability to predict the future. I can answer this question with Metropolis, where we see a city similar to Dubai.

Fritz Lang was inspired by New York, which he visited a few years before making the legendary movie, to create Metropolis architecture. But by rewatching Metropolis today and visiting Dubai, I feel like I’m walking in the city dreamed of by Fritz Lang. This perception made me think about how important it is for a filmmaker to have the courage to tell the world in an original form, never seen before: because cinema offers this expressive opportunity.

I wish good luck to all the Directors and Screenwriters who will participate in this extraordinary event and say to you: “Continue to shoot and write free and independent movies without ever putting limits to your imagination! We live in the post-cinema era, where a director can create his project and show it to the entire world. I love globalization because it is the closest thing to democracy.